We welcome large groups!  Businesses, schools, churches, youth groups, 4-H'ers, scouts, school field trips, birthday parties, etc.

 We will do our best to accommodate your schedule for large groups over 30 people.  Give us a call or email us at   Let us know if there's anything we can do to make your visit special!  Group rates are as follows:

                   $5 - A person for those over 4 years old.
                   Minimum of $150

It works best if the group leader collects the admission and pays at one time. Admission includes maze and all activities. We will also reserve the "Loafing Shed", or picnic shelter, for your group with advanced notice for a two-hour block of time.  Longer if it's not a busy day.  We can also give you a separate fire pit for your group if one is available.